Topic Content:
- Consequences of Adam and Eve’s Disobedience
- Consequences of Cain’s Disobedience (Genesis 4: 1 – 16)
- Other Biblical Examples of Disobedience and their Consequences
- Consequences of Disobedience that can occur in our Everyday Lives
When we are disobedient in our lives, whether that is at school, work, in our community, when we travel for holiday, study/work or even at home with our families there will always be consequences.
Consequences of Adam and Eve’s Disobedience:
These are some of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience:
1. Adam and Eve lost the wonderful beauty and pleasures of the Garden of Eden. They were banished from the Garden of Eden.
2. They lost some of their self-esteem and were filled with guilt because when God came they hid from Him.
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