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  1. Transportation I | Week 1
    6 Topics
  2. Transportation II | Week 2
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Nigerian Ports Authority | Week 3
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Communication I | Week 4
    6 Topics
  5. Communication II | Week 5
    4 Topics
  6. Communication III | Week 6
    3 Topics
    4 Quizzes
  7. Advertising | Week 7
    2 Topics
  8. Media of Advertising | Week 8
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  9. Tourism | Week 9
    2 Topics
  10. Insurance | Week 10
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes

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Meaning of Advertising: 

Advertising is the process of calling the attention of the public (audience) to a product, service, or idea in order to induce them to buy.

Advertising message constitutes oral or written words, illustrations and pictures that convey the message.

Features of Advertising:

The following are the features of advertising:

1. It must be able to command attention.

2. It must be able convince the prospective buyers to buy advertised products.

3. It should create a permanent, good impression of the commodity in the minds of the buyer.

4. It should make correct claims as to merits and capacity of the product.

5. The messages should be clear and not ambiguous.

Roles of Advertising:

Here are the aims, roles, objectives or purpose of advertising.

1. Advertising educates the consumers on the use of the product.

2. It provides the public with the information of the availability of the products and services.

3. Consumers are also able to differentiate the products of different manufacturers through advertising and thereby create brand loyalty.

4. It persuades customers to buy, it promotes impulse buying.

5. It helps the manufacturers to keep on improving on the quality of the products though research.

6. Institutional advertising helps to project the good image of the product.

7. It helps to increase the market share and wide distribution of company’s products.

8. It helps to sustain the demand for the product by ensuring the frequent use of the product by customers.

9. It increases employment.

10. The level of investment in the economy also increases.

11. Unfavourable criticisms and prejudice is counteracted through advertising.


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