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Topic Content:

  • Comprehension: The Cunning Tortoise
  • Comprehension Questions & Answers

The passage is about African folktales

Read the passage carefully and do the exercise on it.

Title: The Cunning Tortoise
Text: The New Concept English Book 3, Page 43 – 44 by F. Ademola et al.

The Cunning Tortoise

     Once upon a time in a far away land ruled by animals and referred to as Animal Kingdom, there was scarcity of water. All the animals came together to decide on what to do. Mr Lion was their king and he was well respected by all animals. The animals decided to dig a very deep well so that they could get water from the earth. The king decided that it would not be the work of only the servants and slaves but of the whole Animal Kingdom. It was agreed by all that the digging of the well would be in the evenings after the day’s farm work. Mr Parrot, the town crier, was appointed to announce to the whole Animal Kingdom the day the work would commence.


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Comprehension: The Cunning Tortoise

1. Why did the animals decide to dig a very deep well?


The animals decided to dig a very deep well so that they could get water from the earth because there was water scarcity.


2. Who informed all the animals in the Animal Kingdom about the day the work would start?


Mr Parrot, the town crier, was appointed to announce to the whole Animal Kingdom the day the work would begin.


3. What moral lesson can we learn from this folktale?


The moral lesson we learn from this folktale is, that it is important to be obedient and do what we are told to do by authority. Also, we learn that it is wrong to tell lies and people who tell lies are always punished.


4. When the tortoise said “This is a kingdom of fools”, who are the “fools”?


The “fools” the tortoise was referring to were all the animals in the animal kingdom, that is – Mr Lion, Mr Parrot, Mr Cat, Mr Rat, Mr Wall Gecko, Mr Dog and all other animals.


5. Why did the tortoise pretend to be sick?


Mr Tortoise pretended to be sick because he did not want to work hard till dark to dig a very deep well.

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