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  1. Farm Structures & Building | Week 1
    2 Topics
  2. Definition of Farm Buildings | Week 2
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Crop Propagation & Cultural Practices I | Week 3
    3 Topics
  4. Crop Propagation & Cultural Practices II | Week 4
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  5. Agricultural Practices I | Week 5
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Agricultural Practices II | Week 6
    3 Topics
  7. Harvesting Operations | Week 7
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Plants and their Propagation Methods

Below are plants and the methods of their propagation:

Plants and their Propagation Methods

Plants Mode of their propagation 
Yam Seed yams or yam setts 
Cassava Stem cutting 
Maize Grain or seed 
CocoyamSetts or cormels
Sweet potato Tuber or stem cutting 
Rice Seedling or seed 
Pineapple Sucker 
Banana Sucker 
Sugarcane Stem 
Apple Root 
African violetsĀ Leaves or stem
Plantain Sucker
Okra and onion Seed 
Tomato and pepper Seed 
Groundnut and cocoa Seed
Breadfruit Root 
Cowpea Seed