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- EcologicalEcology is the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them. An ecologist studies the relationship between living things and their habitats. More Factors Common to all Habitats
The following abiotic factors (non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment) such as light, temperature, water, wind, pressure, pH, oxygen affect living things both in aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
Light is the ultimate source of energyEnergy is the ability to do work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, and electrical energy. Units of Energy: The SI unit... More for all organisms. Light intensity affects the distribution and growth of plants and animals. While green plants exist only where there is an adequate supply of sunlight, animals need sunlight, though some are adapted to live in dark places such as bats.
Plant and animal activities are affected by temperature. An increase in temperature will result in a decrease in metabolic activities and vice versa. Most living things cannot survive extreme temperatures. Temperature determines the vegetation and is also necessary for the germination of seeds.
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