Topic Content:
- Meaning of Estuarine Habitat
- Types of Eustaries
- Characteristics of Estuarine Habitat
- Distribution of Plants and Animals in Estuarine Habitats
- Plants in Estuarine Habitats and their Adaptive Features
- Animals in Estuarine Habitats and their Adaptive Features
Estuarine habitat is also known as brackish water. It is formed as a result of mixing saltwater from the sea with fresh water from the land.
TheseĀ habitatsĀ can include oyster reefs, coral reefs, rocky shores, submerged aquatic vegetation, marshes, and mangroves.
Types of Eustaries:
These include delta, lagoon and bay.
1. Delta: A place where a river divides into many channels before it enters into the ocean or sea is known as a delta. Brackish water/delta is formed at the mouth of a river as it enters the sea.
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