Topic Content:
- Meaning of Freshwater Habitat
- Types of Freshwater Habitat
- Characteristics of Freshwater Habitats
- Major Zones of Freshwater Habitats
- Adaptive Features of Organisms in Freshwater Habitats
- Adaptive Features of Some Plants in Freshwater Habitats
- Adaptive Features of Some Animals in Freshwater Habitats
- OsmoregulationOsmoregulation is the process by which an organism regulates the water balance in its body to maintain homeostasis. In animals, this process is brought about by osmoreceptors, which can detect changes... More in Freshwater and Marine Fish
- Examples of Food Chains in Freshwater Habitats
Freshwater habitat is a body of water which contains very little or no salt. Examples are rivers, streams, springs, and lakes.
Types of Freshwater Habitat:
The freshwater ecosystems are generally classified into two major groups based on their mobility. They are known as lentic and lotic freshwater habitats:
i. Lotic Freshwater Habitat:
These are running waters which flow continuously in a specific direction e.g. rivers, streams, and springs.
ii. Lentic Freshwater Habitat:
These are standing or stagnant waters, i.e., waters which do not flow e.g. lakes, ponds, swamps, dams or bogs.
Characteristics of Freshwater Habitats:
i. Low SalinitySalinity is the dissolved salt content of a body of water called saline water. It is the measure of the number of grams of salts per kilogram of seawater, which is... More: The salinity or salt content of freshwater is very low about 5 parts per thousand i.e. 0.5%.
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