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Types of Offices
Topic Content:
- Types of Offices
- Small Office
- Large Office
There are two major types of offices in most business organizations, namely:
- Small office.
- Large office.
Small Office:
A small office is usually found in a small organization, like a law, accounting, or real estate firm where a small volume of clerical activities is performed. Such an organization employs between one or two members of staff.

Examples of small offices will include the principal’s office, teachers’ staff room, secretary’s office, manager’s office, etc.
Large Office:
A large office can be found in a large organization with more than ten staff. It occupies a space that is capable of accommodating many workers.
Examples of large offices are banking halls, Federal ministries, parastatalsParastatal is used to describe a company or organization which is owned by a country's government and often has some political power More, local government councils, etc.