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Water & Solution I | Week 110 Topics|1 Quiz
Water, Solution and Solubility | Week 2 & 39 Topics|1 Quiz
Air | Week 44 Topics|1 Quiz
Pollution | Week 56 Topics|1 Quiz
Rate of Chemical Reaction | Week 6 & 76 Topics|1 Quiz
Energy and Energy Effect I | Week 8 & 97 Topics|1 Quiz
Energy and Energy Effect II | Week 10 & 116 Topics|1 Quiz
Chemical Equilibrium | Week 128 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 1 of 8
In Progress
Water & Solution I | Week 1
Performance Objectives
- Water
- Types of Water
- Structure of Water
- Physical and chemical properties of Water
- Test for Water
- Treatment of water for Town supply
- Hard water and soft Water
- Hardness of Water(Temporary and permanent hardness)
- Advantages and disadvantages of hardness of Water
- Revision Questions
At the end of this week, student should be able to
- Draw and explain the structure of water
- Define the following concepts:- solute, solvent, solution
- List the types of water
- Explain methods used in purifying water
- Define hard water
- Give two types of hardness
- Explain the causes of hardness of water
- Explain the method employed in the removal of the hardness
Lesson Content
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