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  1. Introduction to Biology | Week 1
    6 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  2. Recognizing Living Things | Week 2
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Organisation of Life | Week 3
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  4. Classification of Living Organisms | Week 4
    6 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  5. Kingdom Prokaryotae / Monera & Kingdom Protista | Week 5
    4 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  6. Kingdom Fungi & Kingdom Plantae | Week 6
    10 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  7. Kingdom Animalia I | Week 7
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Kingdom Animalia II | Week 8
    6 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  9. The Cell | Week 9
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  10. The Cell Structure and Functions | Week 10
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. The Cell and its Environment | Week 11
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Nutrition in Plants | Week 12
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz

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Topic Content:

  • Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology, which are several, include:

1. Botany: This is the branch of biology that deals with the study of plants.

2. Zoology: This branch of biology deals with the study of animals.

3. Ecology: This is the study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment.

4. Genetics: This is the study of heredity and variation.

5. Morphology: This is the study of the physical characteristics or external features of living things.

6. Physiology: This is the study of how the body of living organisms functions. 

7. Anatomy: This is the study of the internal structure of living things

8. Taxonomy: This is the study of the principles of classifying living things. 

9. Entomology: This is the branch of biology that deals with the study of insects.

10. Microbiology: This branch of biology deals with the study of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.

11. Evolution: This is the study of the origin of new species of organisms by natural selection and through a process of gradual and slow adaptive changes over several generations.

12. Marine Biology: Marine biology is the study of marine organisms (organisms that inhabit the sea), their behaviours and interactions with the environment.

13. Chronobiology: This is the study of biological rhythms. It examines the effects of time on biological events and internal biological clocks. It can help explain why birds migrate, why trees drop their leaves in the fall, and even why some medications should only be taken at night.

14. Mycology: This is the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, a group that includes mushrooms and yeasts. It includes the study of their taxonomy, genetics, biochemical properties, and use by humans.

15. Biochemistry: This is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.

The three major branches of biology are microbiology (the study of microscopic organisms), zoology (the study of animals), and botany (the study of plants).



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